Street food in London Facts About London

London’s diverse and vibrant street food scene offers an excellent opportunity for aspiring food entrepreneurs to showcase their culinary talents and connect with hungry foodies. If you’re passionate about cooking and dream of sharing your delicious creations with the masses, selling street food in London can be a rewarding venture. However, starting a street food business requires careful planning and preparation. In this blog, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to sell street food in London, ensuring you make a flavorful impact in this thriving food culture.

Step 1: Research and Define Your Street Food Concept:

Begin by researching the London street food scene to identify gaps and potential niches. Define your unique street food concept, whether it’s gourmet burgers, authentic tacos, delectable desserts, or fusion cuisine. Consider the demand and popularity of your chosen cuisine among locals and tourists.

Step 2: Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses:

Before setting up your street food business, acquire the necessary permits and licenses. Contact your local council or the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to understand the specific requirements for selling food on the streets of London.

Step 3: Create a Standout Menu:

Craft an enticing menu that showcases your specialty dishes. Keep your menu concise and focus on delivering high-quality, mouthwatering options that align with your street food concept. Consider offering vegetarian and vegan choices to cater to a broader audience.

Step 4: Source Fresh Ingredients:

Source fresh and locally-sourced ingredients to elevate the flavors of your street food. Partner with reputable suppliers to ensure consistency and quality in your dishes.

Step 5: Design an Eye-Catching Food Stall:

Invest in an attractive and functional food stall that reflects your brand’s identity. Ensure it complies with safety regulations and provides adequate space for food preparation and serving.

Step 6: Choose Strategic Locations:

Scout for strategic locations to set up your street food stall. Look for busy streets, markets, festivals, and events where foot traffic is high. Experiment with different locations to find the ones that offer the best response.

Step 7: Advertise and Market Your Street Food:

Create a strong online presence through social media platforms and a dedicated website. Share tempting food photos, customer testimonials, and details about your street food business. Engage with your audience regularly to build a loyal following.

Step 8: Provide Excellent Customer Service:

Deliver exceptional customer service to create a positive and memorable experience for your patrons. Engage with customers, answer their queries, and listen to their feedback to continuously improve your offerings.

Step 9: Stay Compliant with Food Safety Regulations:

Maintain impeccable food safety standards in your food preparation and handling. Regularly clean and sanitize your stall and equipment to ensure the health and safety of your customers.

Step 10: Offer Specials and Promotions:

To attract more customers, consider offering daily specials, discounts, or loyalty programs. Collaborate with local events or businesses to run joint promotions that boost your visibility.


Selling street food in London is a flavorful journey that allows you to share your culinary passion with a diverse and enthusiastic audience. By conducting thorough research, obtaining necessary permits, and delivering mouthwatering dishes, you can launch a successful street food business that leaves a delightful impact on the taste buds of London’s foodies. Embrace creativity, be open to experimentation, and stay true to your culinary vision. With dedication and a love for good food, you can savor the sweet taste of success in London’s bustling street food scene. Happy cooking and happy selling!

Author: Jon Tabner

Hi! I’m Jon Tabner, I am a Graphic Designer, Blogger and Marketing Executive in profession. Exploring new things, innovation and designing is my passion. Now working as head of Graphic Designing & Marketing Executive team at Print In London and currently I am based in London. I love using my design knowledge to inspire small businesses to think outside the box when designing their print.