best Piftie in London

Piftie, a traditional Romanian dish, is a delicacy that resonates with the flavors of Eastern Europe. This dish, often enjoyed during the winter months and especially around Christmas and New Year, has found its way to London’s vibrant culinary scene, where a growing number of Romanian restaurants and Eastern European delis are keeping this tradition alive.

The Origin of Piftie

Piftie, also known as aspic or pork jelly, is a dish that dates back centuries. Its roots can be traced to rural Romania, where families would make the most out of every part of the pig during the traditional pig slaughtering season, typically around late November or early December. The dish is made using the gelatinous parts of the pig, such as the trotters, ears, and sometimes the head. These are slow-cooked for several hours to extract the natural gelatin, which, when cooled, solidifies into a savory jelly.

The process of making Piftie is labor-intensive and requires patience, but the result is a dish that embodies the essence of Romanian comfort food. Piftie is traditionally served cold, often as an appetizer, and is usually accompanied by pickles, mustard, and fresh bread. In Romania, the preparation of Piftie is more than just cooking; it’s a cultural ritual that brings families together, often passed down through generations.

The Taste of Piftie

The taste of Piftie is unique and may be unfamiliar to those who have never experienced it. The jelly itself has a mild, savory flavor, infused with the rich taste of pork. The garlic, a crucial ingredient in Piftie, adds a pungent kick that complements the subtle taste of the jelly. The meat, tender and flavorful from hours of slow cooking, contrasts with the smooth texture of the jelly, creating a delightful experience for the palate.

Some variations of Piftie include the addition of vegetables like carrots or celery, which add a bit of sweetness and texture to the dish. In some regions, Piftie is made with poultry, such as chicken or turkey, offering a lighter alternative to the traditional pork version. The dish is often garnished with parsley or dill, adding a fresh, herbal note to the rich, meaty flavors.

Where to Find the Best Piftie in London

London’s diverse food scene offers a variety of places where you can enjoy Piftie, particularly in areas with a significant Eastern European population. Romanian restaurants and delicatessens in neighborhoods like Edgware, Harrow, and Barking are known for serving authentic Piftie that stays true to its roots.

One of the best places to try Piftie in London is at La Romanian, a cozy restaurant in Edgware that specializes in traditional Romanian cuisine. Here, the Piftie is made using a family recipe passed down through generations, ensuring an authentic taste. The dish is prepared with care, using high-quality ingredients to capture the true essence of Romanian Piftie.

Another popular spot is Casa Romaneasca in Harrow, a restaurant known for its wide range of Romanian dishes. Their Piftie is a must-try, offering a perfect balance of flavors and textures that will transport you straight to the heart of Romania.

For those who prefer to enjoy Piftie at home, Romanian Delights in Barking offers pre-made Piftie that you can take home and enjoy with family and friends. Their version is made fresh daily, ensuring that you get the best quality and taste.


Piftie is more than just a dish; it’s a taste of tradition and a connection to Romanian culture. In London, where diverse culinary traditions are celebrated, Piftie has found a home, delighting both those who grew up with it and those discovering it for the first time. Whether you enjoy it at a restaurant or bring it home from a deli, Piftie offers a unique culinary experience that is rich in history and flavor.