Can You Wear Headphones in the London Marathon?


The London Marathon, a spectacular event that winds its way through the historic streets of the city, draws participants from around the world. For many runners, the question arises: Can you wear headphones in the London Marathon? In this blog post, we’ll explore the policies and considerations regarding headphones, the pros and cons of running with music, and how to make the most of your marathon experience.

Headphones in the London Marathon: The Official Stance

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the use of headphones during the London Marathon is generally allowed, but with some important considerations:

Event Regulations:

The London Marathon organizers have not explicitly prohibited the use of headphones.

However, participants are strongly encouraged to remain aware of their surroundings and fellow runners.

Safety Considerations:

Safety is a top priority during the marathon, and being aware of the environment is crucial.

Runners are urged to keep the volume at a level that allows them to hear important announcements, instructions from race officials, and the sounds of other participants.

Pros of Running with Headphones:

Motivation and Focus:

Music can be a powerful motivator, helping runners maintain focus and pace throughout the race.

Distraction from Fatigue:

Engaging tunes can serve as a distraction from the physical challenges of a marathon, helping runners push through moments of fatigue.

Personalized Playlist:

Runners can create a personalized playlist with their favorite songs, making the marathon experience more enjoyable.

Cons and Considerations:

Environmental Awareness:

Wearing headphones may reduce a runner’s awareness of their surroundings, including the cheers of the crowd, instructions from race officials, and potential hazards.


In a crowded race environment, communication with other runners becomes important. Being able to hear calls for passing or warnings adds to the collective safety of participants.

Race Atmosphere:

The London Marathon is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with cheering spectators and live music along the route. Some runners prefer to soak in this atmosphere without the filter of headphones.

Tips for Running with Headphones:

Use Open-Ear Headphones:

Consider using open-ear headphones that allow ambient sounds to pass through, enhancing your awareness.

Keep Volume Moderate:

Adjust the volume to a level that allows you to hear important sounds around you.

Stay Connected to the Atmosphere:

Periodically lower the volume or remove one earbud to connect with the race atmosphere.


While the London Marathon generally allows the use of headphones, runners are encouraged to prioritize safety and awareness. Whether you choose to run with music or embrace the sounds of the marathon environment, the key is to strike a balance that enhances your experience while respecting the safety and camaraderie of the event.

Author: Jon Tabner

Hi! I’m Jon Tabner, I am a Graphic Designer, Blogger and Marketing Executive in profession. Exploring new things, innovation and designing is my passion. Now working as head of Graphic Designing & Marketing Executive team at Print In London and currently I am based in London. I love using my design knowledge to inspire small businesses to think outside the box when designing their print.